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FJORDSEN BV Veem 5 6909 DZ Babberich, The Netherlands
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Join the
happy side
of camping

Discover our rooftop tents

Pick your rooftop tent

  • Beyond X Medium rooftop tent
  • Beyond X Large rooftop tent
  • Air XL rooftop tent
  • Light 140 rooftop tent
  • Light 220 rooftop tent
Beyond X-M
Beyond X Medium Voorkant
2 min
220 x 140 x 140 cm
47 kg
Beyond X-L
Beyond X Large Voorkant
2 min
220 x 220 x 140 cm
54 kg

€ 1899

Air XL
Air XL rooftop tent grey
10 min
220 x 220 x 140 cm
74 kg

€ 2295

Light 140
Light 140 rooftop tent black
2 min
220 x 140 cm
50 kg

€ 1370

Light 220
Light 220 rooftop tent black
2 min
220 x 220 cm
60 kg

€ 1950

Do the Fjordsen rooftop tents fit onto your car?

Fill in the car checker to find out which rooftop tent fits your car! Fjordsen rooftop tents fit on almost every car. We have kept our rooftop tents relatively light using smart design and lightweight materials. This means that you can even go rooftop tent camping in your Volkswagen Up or Renault Clio.

We do not know the roof carrying weight of your car. Check your car manual for more information.
Cycling through Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

Cycling through Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

Beach holiday in Belgium

Beach holiday in Belgium


Fjordsen rooftop tents: Happy Camping!

Camping in a rooftop tent on your car is becoming increasingly popular, and with good reason. A rooftop tent approaches the freedom and convenience of a motorhome at a fraction of the price. Go wild camping in Norway and enjoy the beautiful views from your rooftop tent, or experience the benefits of a rooftop tent at a campsite in France. You are no longer lying on a cold, wet or uneven surface but instead sleeping high and dry, warm and comfortable. 

Camping with a rooftop tent Rooftop tent on holiday


  • Lightweight
  • Two-minute setup
  • High-quality materials
  • Innovative design
  • Spacious and comfortable
Our Models