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Beach holiday in Belgium with rooftop tent

Beach holiday in Belgium

Erik Sanders

Erik Sanders

3 days
Light 220
3 persons
Beach holiday rooftop tent

My friends and I have been to the Belgian coast last summer. We didn’t have any plans for the weekend and the weather forecast was amazing, so we decided to go on a trip.

Light 140 rooftop tent
Beach holiday Belgium rooftop tent

This was the first time that we've been on holiday with a rooftop tent. I heard great stories from my dad, but I've never tried it myself. So I was excited that we could borrow his tent! We rented a van, installed the rooftop tent and we were on the road within minutes. 

Beach holiday in Belgium with rooftop tent 2

Our days consisted of laying on the beach, swimming and eating ice cream. At night, I took out my guitar and we made a camp fire. I woke up early in the morning while my friends were still sleeping. I enjoined the early morning sounds and the world waking up. 


The trip was over in a blink of an eye. After three days it was time to pack our bags again (which was done within minutes since we just put everything in the van haha). But I would definitely want to repeat this holiday weekend!